Roberto Pugliese
Born in Naples, Italy, 1982. Lives and works in Bologna, Italy. Possessor of a Master degree in electronic music at the Conservatoire in Naples with M° Agostino di Scipio, the artist divides his time between teaching at the Conservatoire di Bari (musical systems, electroacoustic- and informatics laboratory and Sound art), playing music and realizing sound installations. His research derives its energy from two artistic currents, that of sound art and of kinetic and programmed art. Using mechanical tools controlled by software that interact with each other, with the environment and the observer, he aims to examine new areas of research in sound phenomena, to analyze the processes that the human psyche uses to differentiate structures of natural origin from artificial ones, to discover the relationship between man and technology and the relationship between art and technology. The sound thus becomes the object of research as well as a means of acoustic and visual expression. Roberto has been presented in many group exhibitions, including “FLOW” at Basilica Palladiana (2017), “Premio Artistico Fondazione VAF” at MACRO Testaccio in Rome (2016), Stadtgalerie in Kiel and Kunstsammlungen in Chemnit, and “Spazi di percezione tra intangibile e tangibile” at the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome (2014); “Sound Art. Sound as a Medium of Art” at ZKM – Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe (2012). studiolacittà.it Photo by Michele Alberto Sereni. Image courtesy of the artist and Studio La Città, Verona